Visit our “Trip Specials and Cancellations” page

NOTICE: The Restigouche River Lodge has just added a page to our web site,  Trip Specials and Cancellations, under our Trip Planner section. Here you will find special week trips, partial weeks,  late cancellations for weeks becoming available and some other great offers.  You never know what special package, at a great price, we might…

Spots available in the prime weeks of 2013

Attention Atlantic salmon anglers, the Restigouche River Lodge is now taking bookings for the available spots left in the prime weeks of 2013. We have spots in the fourth week of June and the first and second week of July. We also have openings late May and early June for the big early run fish.…

Deering’s Turn

While I was up at the lodge last week tending to some lodge business I manage to get on the water for a bit. In the canoe with Keith and Deering on England pool. The slow fishing over the past weeks has really played on Deering, as he desperately wants the guests to land a…