Lodge Flies

Scott Doncaster

Scott Doncaster
Fly Tier for the Restigouche River Lodge

The Restigouche River Lodge is Proud to feature Scott Doncaster’s exclusively tied flies for your purchase at the lodge or can be ordered by contacting us. All flies are tied by Scott himself on hand made British Hooks and with tying materials of the finest quality. Scott is recognized as one of the top fly tiers around today and when it comes to Atlantic Salmon flies, his can’t be beat.

The Restigouche River Lodge is very fortunate to be affiliated with Scott and proud of the fact that Scott is the custom tier for the lodge. The flies might be offered at a slightly higher cost but are a bargain for the quality. The knowledge of who actually tied your fly, on what hook and with top quality materials is important. They are not purchased from overseas sweat shops and thus patronize a local craftsman.

“Bill, I couldn’t agree with you more, Scott Doncaster, like Jerome Molloy are in a class of their own when it comes to neatness and consistency in fly tying” Bryant Freeman

“Spent some time tutoring Scott and will say he was a very observant student and has become one of the best on the planet” Jerome Molloy

“My first Atlantic salmon was hooked on a fly tied by Scott. Green machine tied for high water! The second was hooked on an ally’s shrimp also tied by Scott.” Jamie Metlin

Here’s a list of some flies that are proven producers at the camp. Sizes range from 8-2/0.



Blue Charm

Blue Charm

Glitter Bear

Glitter Bear

Sugarman Shrimp

Sugarman Shrimp



Black Ghost

Black Ghost

Rusty Rat

Black Bear Green Butt

Same Thing Murray

Black Bear Red Butt

Black Bear Orange Butt

Black Bear Orange Butt

Green Widow

Miramichi Cosseboom

Miramichi Cosseboom

Orange Cosseboom

Orange Cosseboom

Restigouche Yellow Cosseboom

Restigouche Yellow Cosseboom

Restigouche Dose

Restigouche Dose

Green Highlander

Green Highlander

Danny Mud

Danny Mud

Traditional Cosseboom

Traditional Cosseboom

John Olin

John Olin

Black Rat

Black Rat

Blue Rat

Blue Rat

General Practitioner

General Practitioner

Silver Rat

Silver Rat

Ally's Shrimp

Ally’s Shrimp

Green Rat

Green Rat