3rd week of May and bright chrome
Here is the lucky lad with another of his 3rd week in May “chromer”
Here is the lucky lad with another of his 3rd week in May “chromer”
Chris K left camp yesterday here is one of the six bright Atlantic’s he left behind.
Here is a 29 lbr from yesterday landed by RRL guest Christopher Krysciak with his guide Raymond. Way to go guys keep it going!
For anglers wishing to book a trip with the RRL during the prime weeks there is now a new option. We are organizing a prime week availability call list. At the completion of a guest’s full week trip, they have an option to book their week for the following season. The guests not re-booking their…
With the completion of our new lodge and the increase occupancy we are able to expand the RRL experience to other types of guests. Here are some of the interesting ideas that the lodge is considering. Anglers will be able to bring along a non-fishing guest during our busiest weeks depending on availability. We are…
Weird Fish Restigouche River Lodge guide Mathieu spends a good amount of the winter month’s ice fishing on the Chaleur Bay. Out on the ice this morning he heard screaming from the shanty next door. Looking into his neighbor shanty he found his Cousin Philip cornered by this strange looking fish. After reviving the lads…
The Fly Fishing Shows are rolling in! The Restigouche River lodge will be at these two shows and some others. We have a new show booth and look forward to your visit.
Good morning Canada! The Restigouche River Lodge would like to wish all Canadians a very happy Thanksgiving. Eat hearty and have a safe holiday. The nice thing for myself is, that due to Canada’s earlier holiday I enjoy two Thanksgiving in one year. Thanks Canada, KB
The new camp is progressing well. We are really excited to get it completed. Here are some photos of it’s progression.