A friend recently posted and commented on an article of the current state of fly fishing and how it has changed over the years. I am not going to dig into that article however it has encouraged me to look into the state of Atlantic salmon fly fishing. The sport of fishing has come a long way from the time you were unable to get a peep from anyone. You had to figure it out for yourself, find your own fishing hole and keep it secret. I have to say I am not one for the tournaments and fly fishing competitions with all the fanfare. The sport of fishing overall has evolved from a solitude back to nature experience into a high charged, pounding music race to the finish. From a cane pole with a length of string, cork and a hook, fishing has come a long way. Fishing is now big business, there is no stopping the trend and who’s to say, great if it’s for you, just not my cup of tea!
I cut my teeth on the sport of fishing, exploring little brooks, turning over rocks and coming home wet and muddy. Watching Gadabout Gaddis and then the American Sportsman, Bing Crosby, Phil Harris and Curt Gowdy. They did it for me, brought you too those solitude wild places with expectations of a magical fishing.
There are all sorts of ways to fish, fly, lures, spin and bait. I started out with a metal pole, open face bait casting reel. I enjoyed every step along the way, and not to boast or brag the journey has landed me at the pinnacle of the sport.
Atlantic Salmon, their known as the “King of Fish” and yes, Salmo Salar, “The Leaper” Atlantic salmon are anadromous going from fresh to salt water for many spawning and feeding cycles through their life span. Their fascinating lie cycle is one of the wonders and mysteries of the natural world and might well be the subject for a future writing.
Atlantic salmon anglers, this is our sport and passion, we immerse ourselves in the history, traditions and camaraderie of Atlantic salmon fly fishing. This fish, men travel far and wide to historic rivers where men of men have set their feet in the gravel for centuries. We cast to these magnificent Atlantic’s, which like their ancestors have traveled from the salt to this historic river. These fish, unique to their river have traveled from the salt to spawn and continue to perfect the gene pool of each Atlantic Salmon River.
Well gentlemen we have managed to keep the “mystique” in Atlantic Salmon Fly Fishing. Let us uphold the etiquette and traditions of our beloved sport. We are living in the next stage of the history, we must lead the way for the ones to fallow.
The next time you set your feet in the gravel of an Atlantic Salmon River take a breath. Let your mind drift and relish the history that you are now living in!