July 2011
We had a guest in camp a few weeks ago and despite the great fishing
experienced by all the other guests in the lodge that week, in his
eyes the fellow felt down on his luck and displayed his lack of success
to all. Despite the fact he had missed a few good chances on some
nice salmon during his first day with a big one coming to his fly like a
submarine, as he stated, it did not seem to help his mood. After a few
more frustrating days it was then that he decided to rename one of our
best pools “Purgatory Pool, telling to everyone another tough session in
Purgatory Pool.”
After leaving the lodge I received an unexpected call, a call from this
un happy guest, the gentleman in all his excitement went on to tell
me how he had landed a 10 and 22 pound salmon that morning, and I
responded, where in “Purgatory Pool”. So it was, Home Pool produced
again as it usually does. The unlucky salmon fisherman managed to
finish the week with a 9, 10, 12, 22, and 24 pound Atlantic salmon not
so bad for a week that by his thinking had started off so poorly.
Let this be a lesson to all of us who love Atlantic salmon fishing, that
it’s not just the catching that we enjoy, but being in a place so beautiful
and unspoiled and provides for these magnificent fish to survive. Let’s
treasure sharing this harmony in nature with the salmon, the river, the
wildlife and the friends we spend some time with, in a bit of heaven on
earth. Landing an Atlantic salmon is the icing on the cake and will come
in time if we let it, and we certainly can’t force it.