The Restigouche River is ready to disappear under the ice for the winter
Restigouche River Locked Up in Ice
Restigouche River Locked Up in Ice
This past season during the first week in July the Restigouche River Lodge had a special fishing guest non other then Orvis’s own Tom Rosenbauer, Rod and Reel Magazine’s angler of the year for 2011. During his visit at the lodge Tom enjoyed a fabulous four days of fly fishing for Atlantic salmon on the…
Scott McEnaney—director of the Orvis Eastern Endorsed Lodges, Outfitters & Guides program—caught this gorgeous 16-pound Atlantic salmon on a fly called the September Special. It was one of two salmon he caught in a day and a half at Restigouche River Lodge, fishing with guide Deering Irvine.
Kennebec Journal By Clinton B. Townsend August 7, 2011 All of Maine’s rivers were once the home of vast schools of Atlantic salmon returning from the ocean to reproduce. It has been estimated that in the Kennebec River alone as many as 70,000 Atlantic salmon returned annually. Sadly, those great runs were decimated by overfishing,…
Just a note to let any of the salmon anglers that are keeping up with RRL on face book and might be considering booking a week at the lodge in 2012, the status of our weeks. As of now we have openings for the first two weeks in June and a few rods in the…
We had a fellow in camp a few weeks ago and despite the great fishing by all the other guests he was down on his luck. Even though he missed a few good chances on some nice salmon it did not seem to help his mood. After a few more frustrating days he decided to…
Jacque from Moncton with a 25 lb Atlantic salmon landed yesterday.
Here’s Marc with a worried look on his face as he went from delight to the thought of his 30 lb. salmon taking all of his line. Marc who has fished for a lifetime and taken all types of big fish was quoted as saying “this is without question the best fish of my life”
Reports throughout the Gaspe Bay indicate that this is the largest run of salmon since 1974 and other camps on the Restigouche River also are reporting large numbers of salmon. A few of you smart anglers might want to get in on this as we have only a few spots available.