Sport David Milan with a bright Atlantic
Sport David Milan- Guide Raymond Poirier!!!! Way to go David & Ray!!! Are you sure that’s not Ben Medoff’s fish?
Sport David Milan- Guide Raymond Poirier!!!! Way to go David & Ray!!! Are you sure that’s not Ben Medoff’s fish?
Here is the evidence of the low water during the last week in May 2021. Emily did a great job in hooking, fighting and landing this large Restigouche Atlantic salmon. As you can see the river was gin clear and very low. With few fish coming in to the the Restigouche river under these tough…
Here is a Restigouche Atlantic salmon landed by RRL guide Toby Gilbert. Times keep getting tougher in these Days of the Coronavirus. Despite the new outbreak in the Campbellton hospital, the Restigouche River Lodge is keeping our staff working for as long as we can. We have the hope of opening at some point this…
We have a spot available, June 24-28, 2020 3 rods with our New Camp Lodging (single rooms) Four full days of fishing, arrive Wednesday June, 24th for evening fishing depart Sunday June 28 after morning fishing and lunch. Possibility to extend trip into the next week. Contact: 201-788-2920
Steve did not put his fish in the book from his September trip. We added them in but he has been on the bad boy list. Here is one of his two salmon. The fellow also managed a grilse and missing a few others. good work Steve!
RRL guest Paul with his 27 lb Birthday salmon assisted by his guide Sandy. Paul was in last week and we have another Birthday boy in camp, Doctor Joe. Lets go Doc keep the string going. We need rain, but were seeing fish.
Here is a 29 lbr from yesterday landed by RRL guest Christopher Krysciak with his guide Raymond. Way to go guys keep it going!