Atlantic Salmon Fly Fishing on the Restigouche
Three Prime Days and Three Nights for Two Rods
This auction is for three days and three nights of Atlantic salmon fishing at the Restigouche River Lodge. The trip includes lodging, dining and three full days of guided fishing. The proceeds from this auction will help in the expenses for the care of Margaret Siegel who has been stricken with ALS. Margaret is the mother of a son and daughter and wife of Howard Siegel a close and dear friend of the lodge who has assisted us in many ways.
This auction in addition to helping a worthy cause will provide some fun and excitement for the bidders and to the eventual winner of a great Atlantic salmon trip for 2014.
This trip is based on three prime days for two rods June 12th – 15th Other available dates for 2014 can be chosen if this trip does not fit the winner’s schedule. Trip value $5,190.00
Bids are to be submitted by email to Bids will be posted on the Restigouche River Lodge website , RRL Facebook page and Friends of the Restigouche River Lodge group Facebook page.
Auction begins on April 15, 2014 at 10:00 am EST and will close on April 25, 2014 at 10:00 am EST.
Best of luck!