The Restigouche River Lodge recently donated a trip to the Connecticut Salmon Association’s Dinner Auction. The gentleman who made the winning bid, Alan Gnann is the owner and President of REC Components, manufacturers of fine rod components for many of the top fly rod companies in the industry. After speaking with Alan about his Atlantic salmon fishing trip to Restigouche River we were invited to visit the company’s manufacturing facility. Along with fellow partner Keith Vanacore we were treated to a wonderful tour of companies machining operation and were delighted in meeting the dedicated and highly interested employees all showing a great pride in their work.

Wheatley Clip Box
REC has purchased The Wheatley Company from the UK maker of the fine fly boxes that we all crave. REC brought Wheatley’s history and their machinery equipment over to the US and is now manufacturing the fly boxes in America. When other companies are taking manufacturing operations overseas REC is doing it here, creating jobs putting people to work. Going against the trend of today, REC should be applauded for its efforts to build and create here in the U.S.A. Other companies please take notice.
We are delighted for the opportunity to have these fine Wheatley Fly Boxes engraved with the RRL logo in salmon configurations available in the near future.